K ! :D D: Ö
by Frank Wo/Men Collective
video made by Tori Reynolds
@smallfreak toreyn.com
musik: Schivona “Schi the God” Johnson
A Virtual Live Interactive Television Game Theatre Experience Adventure
in the process of being created/devised by Frank Wo/Men, a physical theatre collective
Stemmed from the seeds of our kiddo magic, there exist five rooms — each a unique home space that possesses its own sneaky sneaky bells and whistles. Five live kiddadult characters inhabit these personalized rooms, and the audience has the ability to observe them through 11 potential camera views with increasingly interactive rounds of influence.
Amidst the weaving of the five’s kooky psychodynamic journeys, this pseudo-“Sims” live action experiment engages the audience with a User Interface hosted on our website, that— through a series of easter eggs or digital buttons — allows the users to modify the environments, play games with the characters, and even taste control.
Commissioned by Texas Performing Arts in partnership with Fusebox Festival.
K ! :D D: Ö collaborators / multi-hat wearing conceptualists:
Co-Producers: Alexa Capareda, Chris Conard, Roberto Di Donato, Kelsey Oliver
Co-Directors: Kelsey Oliver & Roberto Di Donato
Technical Director/Scenic + Lighting designer: Chris Conard
Integrated Media Co-designers: Chris Conard & Michael Bruner
Integrated Media Engineer/Web Developer: Michael Bruner
Musician/Sound Engineer: Schivona “Schi the God” Johnson
Videographer + Editor/Camera Movement + Installation: Tori Reynolds
Original Costumes Designer: Aaron Flynn
Co-Costume Curators: Aaron Flynn & Kelsey Oliver + performers
PR/Creative Copy Director: Alexa Capareda
Performers/Room+Journey Curators:
Closet: Erica Saucedo
Living Room: Khali Sykes
Garage: Alexa Capareda
Bathroom: Roberto Di Donato
Bedroom: Kelsey Oliver
Collaborator Profiles
Erica Patricia Saucedo | @saucedo_erica
Wherever you find Erica, you’ll find Ericita. They can be found bouncing together, talking with their eyebrows, reminding everyone on the planet that we are all dancers, and referring to their parents as real life angels. Erica tries super hard to reach for understanding through the body which is why she is neck deep in a graduate program centering dance and social justice at UT Austin.
Favorite childhood room: parents’ closet, A.K.A the closet of angels

Roberto Di Donato | @roberto-di-donato
When not suffering from writer’s block Roberto likes messing with words and language. A Frankie super-fan roberto also does some jiggling in Ohio where he is getting his Master’s. Proud owner of a 2000 Toyota Camry named Judy.
Favorite childhood room: 🚽
Michael Bruner | @mediarcology
Michael likes taking things apart to find out what’s going on behind the surface and exploring possibilities for creative reassembly. You’ll probably find Michael at the computer pressing lots of flashing buttons or running around with wires attempting to get silicon beings talking. Playing with computers is a lot of fun because they can transform our space-time understanding of reality and let us hang out with our friends when everyone is far away.
Favorite Room / Time: Waking up early to play Zelda: A Link to the Past on the family computer (via gameboy emulator) before my siblings woke up.

Alexa Capareda | @acapareda
Alexa’s childhood Philippine summers were biking, making up stories, and lots of dancing and ballet. She still makes up stories (in her head) and basically lives at Ballet Austin where she works as a Ballet Master, which is almost as cool as it sounds. She does art things with many rad ATX folx including Performa/Dance and her beloved Frankie weirdos.
Favorite childhood room: garage in our old house

Chris Conard | @chris.conard
Chris enjoys making things talk that shouldn’t, and fixing things that are mysteriously broken. He calls his 2003 Dodge Ram Sheena because she’s a punk rocker. Chris is a string-pusher; he turns lights on, builds things, and clickity-clacks buttons. He officially gained the title “designer” when he built his childhood treehouse (7-years-old). MFA Live-Design candidate UT Austin. Chris, a bicycle michanic, will be airborne one day.
Favorite room: treehouse
Kelsey Oliver | @kelsey___oliver
KO likes to believe she has been reincarnated from a mountain goat. She has a floofy kat kid and is a ooOo-ah sucker for synchronistic coincidences and organizing google docs. Alotta her time is dedicated to movement, somatics, and giving into impulsivity cravings. She enjoys intentionally placed booby traps, making sound effects, and regularly cleaning her feet.
Favorite room in ze childhood home: carpeted staircase nook
[[ Kelsey-Oliver.com ]]

Schivona “The God” Johnson | @standnrise
SCHI is both the sun and the moon; and over these, we cannot pass. Even though a man should cut himself off from them, what harm would he be doing to the sun and the moon?
☀️ 🌙
Favorite room: the living room because SCHI enjoyed building forts

Tori Reynolds | @thesmallfreak
Tori Reynolds
Obsessed with color, this person loves to confuse, capture and turn minds upside down and inside out - via various editing softwares. Your favorite gay cousin who looks surprisingly younger than you despite your 9 year age difference. The legal guardian and close friend of “Best Dog in The World”. Harboring multiple part time obsessions, tori does a lot of things with a camera in hand.
Favorite room: my closet, ironically enough.
Khali Sykes | @khali_sykes
Khali Sykes is an afro, sci-fi, sexy cyborg queen. She enjoys long walks on the outer coasts of Jupiter’s rings, riding her pet dragon, Merona, as the sun rises, late night rides on meteors into the abyss of the universe, connecting with trapped spirits, and popcorn with just salt and butter on it. She is a senior at the University of Texas, a local Austin actress, and a dance instructor at ZACH Theatre.
Her favorite room is the first room she was ever able to call her own.

Aaron Flynn | @rickowensfortarget
Aaron Flynn’s tips on rescuing bugs from a pool, bathtub, or body of water: If possible, provide a vehicle for the bug to climb on under its own power. (Ex a leaf, a cloth, a stick). Be patient. Once the bug is freed, try to place it on an absorbent medium to break the surface tension of the water that clings to it - it can suffocate the bug. (Ex concrete, paper towel, bath mat). Congratulations!
Favorite childhood room: the backyard
Photography by Matt Bradford

Salvage Vanguard Theater
Rude Mechs
Wayne Alan Brenner, Dani Pruitt,Phoebe Greene, Earnest Mazique, JE Johnson, Karen Maness, Ashton Murphy, Jason Huerta, Hank Schwemmer, Scott Bussey, Michael Malak, Kenny Kuykendall, Michael Fisher, Seb Boone, Sarah Cantu, Patricia Garcia Saucedo & Edgar Saucedo, Steve Seguin, Sven Ortel, Bill Bloodgood, Conrad Hayden, Jonah Maughan, Jacob Wilson, Kelli Bland, Kate Taylor, Sarah Annie Navarrete, Lisa Hueske, Jeff Britt, Caparedas, Corey Ragan, Eli Gray, Daniela Chaparro, Hyperreal Film Club, Sightlines, UTTAD, Essentials Creative, Matthew Bradford
Wall decor artists include:
Magdalena Jarkowiec
Javier Rodriguez
Tori Reynolds
Eric Peanā
Erica Pace
Jessica Vredenburg